Uniform shop
To provide a full range of uniform items for boys and girls from prep to year 6 at affordable prices.
Uniform shop
The Uniform Shop stocks a full range of uniform items for boys and girls from Prep to Year 6 at affordable prices. All profits from the Uniform Shop are managed by the P&C and go directly to support programs prioritised by the parent community that align with school priorities.
Location and operating hours
The Uniform Shop is located in Block A, adjacent to Anthony Street and is open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 8.15am to 9.30am during term time. Additional hours operate prior to the beginning of the school year. These hours are advertised on the mobile SZ application, the Ascot State School Facebook page, the home page of the school website and in newsletters at the end of each term.
Convenor and volunteers
The Uniform Shop Convenor is employed by the P&C and is supported by parent volunteers. The convenor relies on a broad network of parent volunteers to assure a quality Uniform Shop service for parents. Any assistance is greatly appreciated. Contact the convenor to join the Uniform Shop Roster at uniformshop@ascotsspandc.org.
Ordering uniform items
Uniform Shop items can be purchased at the Uniform Shop during operating hours or ordering online through Flexischools.